• How much is shipping?
    • This depends on the product ordered, the total weight, and where we're shipping to. 
  • How are we able to offer such good prices?
    • The secret to our low prices and great deals is that we ship your items straight from the manufacturer's warehouse. This means that we cut out the middle man and are able to pass on the savings to you, our customers!

  • How long does it take for an order to be processed?
    • For all items in stock, orders take between 3 to 7 days to be processed before shipping.
    • Once your order is processed, your package will be shipped via our shipping company and you will receive an email with your tracking number.
    • How long does it take for an order to arrive?
      • Because of our items being shipped straight from the warehouse, most items will arrive in about 10-26 business days after the order is processed, depending on your address (this estimate is without any delays of customs, lost package by the shipping carrier or wrong shipping address provided). If you're still not sure, just email us. We're happy to help. We are not responsible for any custom duty or import tax that may occur.
      • Do you ship to my country?
        • We aim at offering the best for your shopping experience, which is why we ship Worldwide.
        • Can I have a tracking number?
          • Of Course! As soon as the tracking number is available to us we will supply it to you via email confirmation.
          • I ordered 2+ items, but only received one... where's my order?
            • We have a large assortment of products not stocked in house, when you order multiple items at a time, they may be shipped separately so they get to you faster. You may receive one item before the next. So don't panic if you don't receive all of your items at once…they are on their way :)
            • Why have I not received any order confirmation details?
              • Most times this is because our customers have accidentally entered their email in wrong. 
              • If you believe you may have entered your email wrong please contact us and we will fix it for you.
              • Are the "FREE" items really free?
                • YES! For our promotional items, all you have to pay is the shipping cost. The price of the item itself is $0.00
                • How do I contact you?
                  • If you have any questions that are not on this FAQ page, please just contact us with any further questions you may have! 
                  • What is your return policy?
                    • We have a 30 days no-hassle return policy. You can return or exchange any item for up to 30 days after receiving your order, no questions asked!
                    • Please be sure to get a tracking number when you ship the order back to us. We will not be held responsible for items lost, stolen or damaged during return transit.